Master Headers An HTML document Header is delimited with the tags and . The purpose of the area is to store meta-information about the document, such as title, base URL, link information, etc. In order to provide a way of creating a consistent look over a series of related documents (possibly as part of a specific topic or section), you can save the current header contents to a Master Header, and replace the current header text with the contents of a previously saved Master Header. This is done using the Header popup menu button found at the top left corner of the header text area. Note that the Header popup menu button disappears when the header area is not visible. Note that another method of inserting standardized text is the use of Custom Entities. Up to ten custom entities may be associated with specific documents, master headers or footers, and inserted into your document when exported from HTML.edit. Check the Utility menu Help for more information. While all document content must be within the and tags, by locating the beginning tag right after the closing tag (but in the Header field), you can create standard headers for your documents. Just remember that the HTML.edit Header, Body and Footer areas are concatenated together on export. Check the Document Structure topic for more information. Insert Master Header Replaces the current text of the Header with the selected Master Header. Save As Master Header Saves the text of the current Header as one of the three Master Headers. Edit Master Headers Navigates to the Master Headers section to allow viewing and editing of the Master Headers. When inserting a Master Header into your current document's header, remember to rename the document (if it is not the same as the name found in the Master Header), or simply remove it from the text of the Master Header. Back to Master Headers and Footers, on to Master Footers, or return to HTML.edit Features.